Is the worry that AI will become malevolent or conscious?
Concern about existential risk
A risk of human extinction or the destruction of humanity’s long-term potential.
People sometimes assume AI risk is about AI acting like a human villain, and fictional representations of AI takeover
A hypothetical event where a powerful AI effectively takes over the world.
Computer science professor at UC Berkeley, founder of CHAI, and co-author of the textbook Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach.
The core concern is that AI systems may become extremely competent at making decisions that achieve their goals, while also being indifferent to things we value highly (like human life or happiness).
Unfortunately, many of a highly-competent AI’s plans could have destructive side-effects on anything the AI does not specifically value. Put simply, AI risk comes from systems which pursue their goals without caring about us. As an analogy, consider how human actions often kill a lot of insects, not out of malice on our part, but just as a side-effect of other things we're doing.
In another publication, Russell has written: “They need not be “conscious”; in some respects, they can even still be “stupid.” They just need to become very good at affecting the world and have goal systems that are not well understood and not in alignment with human goals (including the human goal of not going extinct).” ↩︎